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Araragi Shinzō

Professor of the Faculty of Global Studies

Sophia University 

Araragi Shinzō is Professor of the Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University, and specialises in the sociology of human migration. He has written and edited three books in Japanese:Human Migration after the Empire: The Crossroads of Globalization and Postcolonialism [Teikoku Igo no

Hitono Ido] (2013), Migration and Repatriation: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire [Nihon-teikoku o meguru Jinko-ido no

Kokusaishakaigaku] (2008); and Historical Sociological Study on Japanese Agricultural Corp in "Manchukuo" [Manshu Imin no Rekishi-shakaigaku] (1994), which was awarded the Japanese Association for Rural Studies Prize in 1997. He also contributed a book chapter to The Dismantling of Japan’s Empire in East Asia(Routledge, 2017), and co-authored Toward A Comparative History of War and Sexual Violence [Senso to Seiboryoku no Hikakushi ni mukete] (2018).

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