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Pre-symposium Graduate Workshop:  

Rethinking Mobility beyond Migration: Networks and Actors in the Pacific World, 1890s to 1960s

(Workshop Organizer: Keaki Matsudaira)

 ※Discussions on this panel are based on pre-circulated papers. Registration is required for downloading the papers.👉

◆Participants from Sophia University:

・Keaki Matsudaira

“Trans-Border Mobility and Military Experience: Japanese Americans in the Asia-Pacific”
・Yukako Nagamura

“The Political Positions of Latin American Nikkei Students in Japan during WWII”


Participants from the University of Zurich:

・Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes

“De-mythicizing Mori Koben: The Other Story of the First Japanese Traders and Migrants to Micronesia, Their mobility and their networks”
・David Walter Möller

“A ‘Soldier-turned-visitor: U.S. Servicemen, Female Labor and Militarized Tourism in Taiwan and Singapore (1965-1972)”


Eiichiro Azuma (University of Pennsylvania)

17:00- 18:30
Colloquium by graduate students 


・David Walter Möller

"An Empire of Recreation: U.S. Militarized Tourism in the Pacific (1965-1972)"

・Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes'

"One Island, Many Empires: Overlapping Interests and Perceptions in the Archipelagos of the Western Pacific during the Late 19th Century"


Opening Remarks: Noriko Ishii

(The Director of the Institute of American and Canadian Studies, Sophia University)



Introduction: Shinzo Araragi (Sophia University)  and Mariko Iijima (Sophia University) 


Keynote Lecture: 

・David Chang (University of Minnesota) 

The King, the Emperor, the Republic and the Nation: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and Intimacy in a Honolulu Insurrection, 1889


// Break //


Panel 1: The Social and Political History of Whaling and Fishing in the 19th- and 20th-Century Pacific 
(Panel Organiser: Yuko Konno)


・Fynn Juergen Holm (The University of Zurich)

“Burning down the Whaling Station: Anti-Whaling Movements in Northeast Japan”

・Jakobina K. Arch (Whitman College)

“Taking Whales, Taking Spaces: Nineteenth Century Whaling’s Connections to the Imperial Expansions of Japan and the United States”

・Manako Ogawa (Ritsumeikan University)

“Tuna, Fishing, or Nuclear Testing: The Early Cold War Dialogue over the Exploitation of the Central Pacific”

・Yuko Konno (Asia University)

“Transpacific Community Building: Wakayama Villages and California’s Fishing Industry in the Early 20th Century”

Comment: Paul Kreitman (Columbia University)


Panel 2: “Women, Bodies and Power in the Asia-Pacific” (Panel Organiser: Noriko Ishii)


・Laura R. Prieto (Simmons University)

“Intelligent Motherhood: Maternal Care and Education at a Women's Mission Hospital in Colonial Manila, 1906-1940”

・Rumi Yasutake (Konan University)

Re-Franchising Women of Hawai‘i, 1912-1922: Settler Colonialisms and Politics of Gender, Race, Class, and Nation at the Crossroads of the Pacific

・Noriko Ishii

“Difficult Conversations across Religions, Race and Empires: American Women Missionaries and Japanese Christian Women during the 1930s and 1940s”

・Jeong Min Kim (New York University Shanghai)

From Military Supplies to Wartime Commodities: The Black Market for Bodies and Goods in Wartime Korea (1950-53)

Comment: Motoe Sasaki (Hosei University)


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